The Importance Of Metal Detectors In Schools

Written by john | November 16, 2022

Mass shootings in schools have become all too common recently. In 2022 alone, there have been 35 such events, leaving countless students and educators traumatized.

School violence has prompted many learning institutions to implement security measures to protect students and staff. One such measure is the use of metal detectors. Here is why installing metal detectors in schools is important.

What is a Metal Detector?

A metal detector is a device that detects the presence of metal by transmitting an electromagnetic field through it. When the device detects a metal object, it emits an audible signal or lights up an LED screen.

There are different types of metal detectors, including walk-through and hand-held models. Walk-through detectors are suitable for high-volume areas, such as the main entrances at schools. On the other hand, hand-held models can effectively conduct quick searches in classrooms, offices, and restrooms.

Benefits of Installing Metal Detectors in Schools

Here are some ways schools can benefit from the installation of metal detectors:

Increased Safety

Schools should be safe places for learners and staff alike. Unfortunately, this is not the reality in some schools today, as shootings and other acts of violence are becoming more common.

Installing metal detectors in learning institutions can greatly enhance safety and reduce the risk of violence. These devices help security personnel and administrators identify any weapons before they enter the school premises and cause harm.

Peace of Mind

Parents are increasingly becoming concerned about the well-being of their children in school. Administrators, too, are worried because security breaches can lead to a loss of student confidence and damage the reputation of their schools.

Metal detectors can help address the fears of many parents and provide them with peace of mind about the safety of their children. Also, administrators can rest assured knowing that no one is carrying dangerous weapons that pose a danger to students and the school staff.

Enhanced Trust

Communities are becoming hesitant to trust the security systems schools have put in place because they are inadequate to prevent violent incidents from occurring. As a result, many learning institutions are viewed as unsafe environments. Some students even decide not to attend classes for fear of being harmed.

Installing metal detectors in schools can go a long way in reassuring parents and other community members that learning institutions are safe environments.

What to Look for inMetal Detectors for Schools

Consider the following factors when choosing a metal detector for your school.


When looking for a metal detector, choose one that security personnel can easily move from one location to another. Ideally, the detector should be lightweight and compact enough to be used at different locations within a school campus.


Metal detectors come equipped with various detection capabilities. While some detectors can identify metal objects as small as coins, others can only detect larger items, such as guns and knives. For the benefit and safety of students and staff, schools should opt for highly accurate models that effectively detect a wide range of metal objects.

Ease of Use

An ideal metal detector should be easy to use by security personnel. It should not require extensive training or complex operation procedures. Moreover, it should be simple to set up in the shortest time possible without interfering with the school’s daily activities.

Find the Right Metal Detector for Your School

Ensuring the safety of students and school staff is crucial in fostering a positive learning environment. A good way to do this is by installing metal detectors in schools across the country. However, choosing the right metal detector can be daunting for school administrators.

At Ballistiglass, we offer a wide variety of high-quality metal detectors for schools. Our products are easily portable, highly sensitive to metal objects, and easy to set up and operate. Contact our representatives today to discuss your requirements and get a free estimate.