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BallistiMAX Bulletproof Glass

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Welcome to the future of protection from weapons. Bulletproof glass has evolved.

BallistiMAX is an AR-15 and AK-47 resistant glass with the BallistiSHOCK countermeasure.


Our glass is lightweight, but do not let this deceive you. It will resist gunfire from even the most common weapons used in mass shootings: the AR-15 and AK-47 rifles.


The bulletproof glass includes a proprietary countermeasure technology called BallistiSHOCK. This innovative technology disables the shooter by utilizing the outermost layer of glass as a ‘spray’ towards the assailant, while continuing to maintain full protection from the bullets for anyone inside of the building.


The glass is installed by us, right over your existing windows. We place our glass to precision with a robotic lift, ensuring a non-invasive, clean, and fast installation.


For added protection, our innovative bulletproof glass also features the COUNTERFIRE technology. This, with access to certain weapons, allows someone on the ‘safe’ side to fire back at the attacker.


There are currently schools, houses of worship, historical monument visitors sites, government buildings, Air Force Bases and more being protected with our innovative glass.



Lightweight transparent armor retrofitted to your existing glass windows and doors


Defeats threats of both rapid gunfire from both handguns and automatic weapons, including the AR-15 and AK-47 rifles.


Weighs only 15 lbs. per square foot


Robotic precision installation is included (anywhere in the USA)


Proudly manufactured in the USA!


“We used the 7.62 x 39, the AK-47 round, along with the 5.7 pistol round and nothing went through. The thing took a beating today, and it’s a very ingenious product.”

Bob Behan, Coral Springs, FL Police Dept.

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The glass is also impenetrable against a 12 gauge slug

We put our bulletproof glass to test often to ensure that it offers you the best possible protection. Watch what happened when we tested it against a 12 Gauge Slug:
